Tuesday, December 7, 2010


what do all these things have in common?
other than the fact that
my color choice obviously isn't very versatile.
(i didn't notice they were all brown, until ... just now!)

they're all from ruche.

never heard of it?
don't worry,
i hadn't either.
but you see this gorgeous girl..

well, her name is sydney poulton.
do i know her personally?
no, but i wish i did..

i stalk her blog
so that's almost like knowing her, right?

actually.. stalking may be an understatement.
i absolutely obsess over her blog!
gawking over her beauty,
clothing, and adorable marriage.
not to be creepy or anything!

she is having a contest
that introduced me to my new favorite store,
ding ding ding..

so, go follow her blog NOW!
(you can thank me for introducing you to her, later)
and enter to win a $50 gift certificate to ruche.

p.s: you see that orange cowl she has on
in the picture i showed y'all?
well, she's having a contest to win that too!

so, i give y'all the right to leave my blog,
right this very minute..
ONLY if you go straight to syd's!


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