Sunday, October 10, 2010


october 10, 2010 at 10:10 pm
will go down as the day and time that i lost my mind..
1. because i want it to be a cool looking time/date.
2. because i realized that fall break is thursday and friday,
so i have A LOT to cram into three days!

- human development test
- do human development study guide for next test
- reading for humanities
- math take home quiz due
- math homework due
- reading for ethics and values
- ethics and values sharing

- go see antigone for humanities
- b.o.b, jason derulo, and iyaz concert
(if i can finish everything in time)

- humanities paper
- human development project due
- math test
- ethics and values paper

if y'all don't hear from me..
yano why!


Jessica said...

I love your blog! It sounds a lot like how my brain works! Also love that your LDS in the South. I myself am a Southern girl from Arkansas (24 years) that just moved to Maryland a couple of months ago. So keep bloggings it's great to read! Sorry but I can't get on board with the whole Auburn thing...WOO PIG SOOIE!!!

mal blair said...

well, thanks! :] & aw, awesome.. i actually moved from the south too! but we'll have to see how the game between our teams goes on saturday.

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